DENPASAR-After securing a suspicious object in the Office of the Australian Consulate in Tantular Road No. 32, Renon, Denpasar, Bali, now the police were chasing a strange man who allegedly put the items in the packet.
Bali Police Force Commander Brimobda AKBP Ramdani Hidayat said, in addition to examining a suspicious object suspected to contain hazardous materials, it was soon to find the perpetrators.
It has been checked in the guest register book to extract the identity of the person taking care of passports allegedly put a suspicious object in front of the Australian Consulate guardhouse.
Only when pressed further about the mysterious man, Ramdani not willing to mention. "There have been, but enggaklah. Members of the intelligence has also been moving to catch up, "said Ramdani on site on Thursday (14/07/2011).
In addition to already pocketed the identity of the stranger's name, it also already know the identity of a used vehicle as he left the consulate.
When asked whether the man is an Australian citizen, Ramdani reluctant to say. To be sure he said, that will be questioned is a male tourist.
In addition to asking for information a number of witnesses at the consulate, the police are also examining CCTV footage in. "Hopefully the CCTV his life," he hoped.
As reported, this afternoon at approximately 14:30 pm Office of the Australian Consulate in Tantular Road No. 32, Renon, Denpasar digegerkan findings suspicious objects suspected to contain hazardous materials. Tim Gegana Brimobda Bali Police are still to identify non-metallic objects but contain the liquid.
Bali Police Force Commander Brimobda AKBP Ramdani Hidayat said, in addition to examining a suspicious object suspected to contain hazardous materials, it was soon to find the perpetrators.
It has been checked in the guest register book to extract the identity of the person taking care of passports allegedly put a suspicious object in front of the Australian Consulate guardhouse.
Only when pressed further about the mysterious man, Ramdani not willing to mention. "There have been, but enggaklah. Members of the intelligence has also been moving to catch up, "said Ramdani on site on Thursday (14/07/2011).
In addition to already pocketed the identity of the stranger's name, it also already know the identity of a used vehicle as he left the consulate.
When asked whether the man is an Australian citizen, Ramdani reluctant to say. To be sure he said, that will be questioned is a male tourist.
In addition to asking for information a number of witnesses at the consulate, the police are also examining CCTV footage in. "Hopefully the CCTV his life," he hoped.
As reported, this afternoon at approximately 14:30 pm Office of the Australian Consulate in Tantular Road No. 32, Renon, Denpasar digegerkan findings suspicious objects suspected to contain hazardous materials. Tim Gegana Brimobda Bali Police are still to identify non-metallic objects but contain the liquid.
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