JAKARTA - Ifdan Muchtaram (25), bruised mass judged. He was caught sexually abusing a young girl how to squeeze breasts 12-year-old, who crossed the Highway Bogor, Gandaria, East Jakarta.
Later known, Ifdan ignorant behavior is not the first time. Previous residents often have reports about the number of women who are victims of fraudulent hands of this young man from Central Jakarta.
Brigadier Roy, Gandaria Pospol picket officer, confirmed her arrest beatings Ifdan by citizens. "Yeah this afternoon, but I do not know the details because I've entered (picket)" he told the Legal, Wednesday (07/13/2011).
Information in the field say, when Ifdan tried to escape after running the action, pelaki yelled at mass and was finally caught. IFdan have become the butt.
After being beat up the perpetrator to the residents and then herded Ifsan Pospol Gandaria, East Jakarta.
Later known, Ifdan ignorant behavior is not the first time. Previous residents often have reports about the number of women who are victims of fraudulent hands of this young man from Central Jakarta.
Brigadier Roy, Gandaria Pospol picket officer, confirmed her arrest beatings Ifdan by citizens. "Yeah this afternoon, but I do not know the details because I've entered (picket)" he told the Legal, Wednesday (07/13/2011).
Information in the field say, when Ifdan tried to escape after running the action, pelaki yelled at mass and was finally caught. IFdan have become the butt.
After being beat up the perpetrator to the residents and then herded Ifsan Pospol Gandaria, East Jakarta.
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