Selasa, 12 Juli 2011

Mount Lokon erupted, 1105 people were evacuated

JAKARTA - The number of refugees from the eruption of Mount Lokon in Tomohon, North Sulawesi, until 21:30 PM tonight reaches 1105 people or 391 households. They come from nine villages covering 9 districts in Tomohon, and South Minahasa regency.
This number increased over this afternoon that only reached 489 people from 124 households, 56 people including a toddler and 2 babies from Keluraha Kaskasen 1, Village and Village Kinilow Kinilow one that housed Christian High School i kel Talete II, Tomohon.
Head of Data Center for National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said the increasing number of refugees caused people to feel safe living in refugee post at night. However, in the morning or afternoon, refugees return to their homes and run their daily activities. The next afternoon and evening they returned again to the evacuation site.
"All the refugees are accommodated at Village Christian High School I Talete II, Tomohon," he said in a release received Legal, Tuesday (07/12/2011).
He added that the evacuation process aided by the TNI / police local. In addition, to assist in the implementation of emergency response, North Sulawesi Province, and BNPB also sent a 400 Sheet mat, ready meals 200 packages, 200 packages of food nutritional supplements, side dishes 200 pack, tent rolls 200 sheets, 5 units of family tents, blankets 400 sheets, 250 pieces and masks.
"Total assistance Rp199.636.400. The grant will depart this evening after seeing the condition of the development needs in the field, "he said.
Furthermore, Sutopo explained, the evacuation of residents had to be done after the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation as set radius of 3.5 kilometers Disaster Prone Areas 2 due to the eruption at 13.15 PM this afternoon.
In radius are included 28 047 people living in 9 villages covering 9 districts in Tomohon and South Minahasa regency. If a major eruption occurs, the direction the wind is blowing towards the North-Northwest, thus leading to the city of Manado.
Mayor Tomohon also have set the emergency response period commencing June 29, 2011 until July 12, 2011.
"Based on data from 1815 to the present, Gunug Lokon eruption often occurs but has never caused her death. Generally only ash and sand around Tomohon and South Minahasa, "he said.

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